Conference Speakers

Dr. Kean Wah, LEE

Kean Wah, LEE (PhD) is an Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at the School of Education, and the Director of Research of the school in the University of Nottingham (Malaysia campus). He has more than 35 years of experience teaching the English language at all levels of basic education. In the School of Education, he teachers both undergraduate and postgraduate modules such as TESOL Methodology, Assessment in Language Education, Understanding Language Learning and the Language Learner, Materials and Technology in Language Education, etc.

He was recently awarded the Vice-Chancellor Medal for teaching innovation in 2021 by the University of Nottingham. He also won the Best Research Supervisor award 2021 in the recent Tri-Campus award. Currently, Dr Lee also serves as the Vice-President and Treasurer of PacCALL (Pacific Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning) which organises the yearly GLoCALL international conferences and workshops. He has also served the Guest Editor of CALL journals such CALL-EL, and IJCALLT. Dr Lee has presented and published extensively in journals, book chapters and books in the field of CALL, teacher professional development and English language teaching and learning. He can be reached at [email protected].

Associate Professor Lynde Tan

Lynde Tan is a Senior Lecturer in Primary Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy at the School of Education, Western Sydney University (WSU),Sydney. She is also a member of the Centre of Educational Research(CER) at WSU. She received her PhD in Applied Linguistics from LancasterUniversity, United Kingdom, in 2011. Prior to being employed at WSU,Lynde worked in Singapore where she co-chaired committees headed by Microsoft (Singapore) and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore to scale innovative digital practices at a national level. She is a multi-award winning educator with expertise in teacher education, language and literacy education, educational technology, and digital pedagogy. In 2019, her teaching excellence was acknowledged when she received the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning Award.

Lynde’sresearch scholarship examines pedagogical issues pertinent to redefining education using emergent technologies. In 2019, Lynde was the recipient and Chief Investigator of the highly prestigious and competitive Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Research Grant. She has successfully led and completed the nationally funded project on learning and teaching language and literacy with augmented reality. Her work has led to the publication of a book entitled “Between Worlds: Enhancing Students’ Multimodal Literacy Practices with Augmented Reality” in 2022. The book is currently used a national resource for primary school teachers’ professional development across states in Australia. Her ongoing research focuses on dialogic teaching in the online spaces, funded by the Collier Foundation in Australia. In 2021, Lynde’s research excellence was recognised when she won the People’s Choice Award in WSU’s 2021 Research Impact Competition.

Her international standing is evidenced by her highly-quality and widely-cited publications (Google citations – 1257 as of June 2022). She has published in high-ranking internationally refereed journals such as Computers and Education, Learning, Media and Technology, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET), Interactive Learning Environments, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Language and Education. Lynde also serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and she is the Associate Editor of Pedagogies: An International Journal. In 2019, Lynde won the International Conference on Computers in Education Best Reviewer Award (Technology Enhanced Language Learning). With her growing reputation in and beyond Australia, Lynde has been invited as the keynote speaker in various local and international conferences.

Professor Sue Gregory

Professor Sue Gregory is the Head of School, School of Education, at the University of New England. Her role requires developing strategic initiatives and aligning resources that support the University and Faculty goals, and developing and maintaining linkages, internally and externally, including accreditation bodies, industry partners and community leaders. Previously, Sue has held positions of Chair of Research, Higher Degree Research Course Coordinator, a UNE Education Scholar and a lecturer in ICT Education. She also holds a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Sue has been the Leader of the eLearning, ePedagogy and Innovations Research Network Group in the school. As a long-term adult educator, she has taught pre-service and post-graduate education students how to incorporate technology into their teaching. Sue has applied her virtual world knowledge to expose her students, both on-campus and online, to the learning opportunities in virtual worlds, since 2007.

Sue has been involved in many national and university projects on creating and using learning spaces in virtual worlds and successful in receiving over $6m in funds (project lead on 19 out of 34). She has also received an OLT citation, an Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) and Australian College of Educators (ACE) awards. Since 2009, Sue has been the Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Virtual Worlds Working Group, written over 200 publications on teaching and learning in virtual worlds and using ICT as a resource in online learning and teaching, including an Editor of five books on teaching and learning in virtual worlds (four as lead editor). Sue has presented her findings at more than 120 presentations or workshops domestically, internationally, in person and online. Sue is a Life Member of ASCILITE (Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education) and has been on the Senior Executive committee since 2012.

Professor Bonita Watt

Dr. Bonnie Watt is a University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, Secondary Education faculty member involved in the Career and Technology Studies (CTS) subject area. She is deeply committed to advancing access and learning opportunities for adults who aim to complete their Bachelor of Education degree and subsequently enter the teaching profession. As part of this commitment, Dr. Watt actively promotes and integrates project-based learning as an integral component of the Bachelor of Education degree’s CTS Major and CTS Minor curriculum and instruction programming.

Supporting this programming approach are Dr. Watt’s interests in CTS program development, curriculum, pedagogy, and teacher education; youth and adult school to work/school transitions; dual credit; apprenticeships; and policies related to education, training, and work. At the core of these interests is CTS teacher recruitment, retention, and education; ongoing restructuring of the CTS program of studies, which informs the design, content, and delivery of CTS teacher education programs; and consideration about how a restructured CTS program of studies might advance young people’s connections between high school (e.g., off-campus education programs and other subject areas), post-secondary education, leisure activities, and paid work.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Norlidah Alias

Dr Norlidah Alias is an Associate Professor in the Curriculum and Instructional Technology Department, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. She was a former Deputy Dean (Higher Degrees) at the Faculty (28/3/2019-27/3/2021). Prior to joining the University of Malaya, she served as an Assistant Director at the Teacher Training Institution, Ministry of Education. She received her Bachelor’s Degree (Electrical Engineering) from Monash University, Australia, and her Master’s and PhD degrees from the University of Malaya.

Her area of specialization and research are in Curriculum Development, TVET Curriculum and Pedagogy, and Design and Developmental Research. Her Scopus h-indexed is 11 with 386 citations. She has headed several consultations and research projects, particularly in the area of TVET curriculum acceptance and pedagogy, funded by various international and local agencies.

Currently, she is the Principal Investigator for several industry research grants at the national level and she is a PI for an International Research grant. She has authored and co-authored 12 books, 11 academic articles in ISI-ranked publications and many other Scopus-ranked publications. Her works are published in top-tier International journals including the Journal of Educational Technology and Society (ETS), Eurasian Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE), Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Frontiers in Public Health and Interactive Learning Environments. She has also served as an Advisory Committee Member of TOJET and TOJSAT, Editorial Board Member for ETS and TOJET, Founding Editor of the Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology (MOJET) (2013-2016) and Founding Editor of Journal Kurikulum dan Pengajaran Asia Pasifik (JuKu) (2013-2016). She is the Vice President of the Persatuan Kurikulum Malaysia (PerKum). She has received recognition for her teaching and research including awards such as the University of Malaya’s Excellent Service Award 2014 & 2020, the University of Malaya Excellent Service Certificate 2013, 2019 and was a Finalist for the Malaysian Minister of Education Special Award (Transformative Teaching Category, 2019).

She also won the Gold Medal Award in 2010 at the International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) held in Malaysia. She has presented keynotes at International Conferences and was invited to speak on the TV program. She has supervised 30 PhD students (15 graduated, 15 ongoing) and 23 master’s students (15 graduated and 8 ongoing). She has supervised an international post-doctoral researcher and co-supervised PhD students at other international institutions. She has been appointed as a National TVET Technical Committee Member by the Ministry of Education. She serves as an International Assessor for the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council.

Dr. S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam

Dr. S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam, is a senior lecturer at the School of Education Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah Daru Aman, Malaysia. Her specialisation is in educational measurement focusing on reliability and validity issues in cross-cultural assessments, and mathematics education. She holds a Bachelor’s degree with double majors in Mathematics and English, master’s degree in Psychometrics and Educational Measurement and doctoral degree in Psychometrics and Educational Evaluation from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.

She served as a teacher for 14 years before joining SEAMEO RECSAM as a Mathematics Education Specialist where she conducted training programmes and research on secondary data analyses on TIMSS. She is an active member of the National Council on Measurement in Education, American Educational Research Association, International Community of Emergent Researchers in Mathematics Education based at the University of Hamburg, Germany and the Associate Member for the Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific UNESCO Bangkok and a committee member of the Malaysian Psychometric Association.

She is also in the advisory board for the Philippines Basic Education Math Teacher’s Society and the Penang Tamil School Education. She is also a committee member of Special Interest Groups in Measurement in Education (SIGIMIES) for Contemporary Issues in Scaling, Linking, & Equating (SLE) and Chief Editor for Malaysian Journal of Learning Instruction (ESCI). She has published several books and journal articles on TIMSS and Indigenous mathematics education, and has conducted several international and national colloquia/workshops/seminar/training courses on TIMSS, PISA, Higher-order Thinking Skills (HOTs), HOTs Item Development, Authentic Assessment, Lesson Study/Action Research and Mathematics Pedagogy. She was also a key personnel in the development of KBAT (Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi) [HOTs] Manual by the Examination Syndicate, Ministry of Education, Malaysia that is being used nationwide.

Dr. Suhailah Binti Hussien

Associate Professor Dr. Suhailah Binti Hussien Dean, Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhailah Binti Hussien graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Human Sciences, majoring in Philosophy from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 1996, then completed her Diploma in Education majoring in English Language and Islamic Studies at the same university in the following year. She won the Best Student Award for English Language specialization. She secured a teaching position at the Department of Education, IIUM in 1998, and pursued her Master of Education in the area of Social Foundations at IIUM. She completed her Master's in 2000 and wrote her thesis on the Teaching of Thinking in the Malaysian context. Part of her thesis was later published in a book, which was co-authored with Prof. Dr. Rosnani Hashim, and became a reference for the Teaching of Thinking in Malaysia. After teaching for two years in the Department of Education, she pursued her Ph.D. (Education) in the area of Philosophy of Education, specializing in Critical Pedagogy, in 2002, at the University of Sheffield, UK. She graduated in 2006 and came back to Malaysia to serve the Department of Education.

She is a registered and active member of the Philosophy of Education Society, Great Britain (PESGB), the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), and the Qualitative Research Methods Association of Malaysia (QRAM).

Currently, Dr. Suhailah Hussien is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Centre for Teaching Thinking (CTT) at the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM since 2013. CTT was formerly known as the Centre for Philosophical Inquiry in Education (CPIE) and is responsible for the training of higher-order thinking Skills (HOTS) and inquiry skills among teachers, professionals and students at various levels. She is also acknowledged for her expertise in Thinking and HOTS and is one of the team members involved in the development of teaching HOTS for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Malaysia.


Ismail Hussein Amzat obtained a Ph.D. in educational leadership and management from the University of Malaya, a Master degree in educational administration from the International Islamic University Malaysia, and a Bachelor degree in Arabic language and literature from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. He is an associate professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Educational Leadership, International Islamic University Malaysia.

He was a senior visiting lecturer at the School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia, a visiting assistant professor at the College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, and an assistant professor at UCSI University. He has vast research experience in educational leadership and management and has published papers in indexed journals on management and policy in higher institutions, school leadership and management, and teacher professional development. He has supervised and graduated more than 20 Ph.D. students in the field of educational leadership and management, both in English and Arabic.

He is an editor of the following books: “Fast Forwarding Higher Education Institutions for Global Challenges: Perspectives and Approaches” by Springer, 2016; “Teacher Empowerment towards Professional Development and Practices: Perspectives across Borders” by Springer, 2017; “Teacher Professional Knowledge and Development for Reflective and Inclusive Practices” by Routledge, 2017; Predictive Models for Educational Leadership and Practices by IGI Global, 2019; and a newly published edited book titled “Supporting Modern Teaching in Islamic Schools: Pedagogical Best Practices for Teachers” by Routledge, 2023. He was one of the top researchers, with the highest number of joint publications from 2019 to 2021 by IIUM’s Research Management Centre and the top 50 contributors to IIUM’s research performance in 2022.

Professor David Webster

Dave Webster is Professor of Philosophy & Pedagogy and the Director of Education, Quality & Enhancement at the University of Liverpool, UK. He spent over two decades teaching Philosophy, Buddhist studies, New religious Movements and a range of other topics. At the same time he was developing professional interests in Learning and Teaching and the contributions technology can make to this. He has also worked at the University of Gloucestershire, and SOAS, University of London as well writing, blogging and consulting. His blogging, most recently about the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence of Higher Education can be found at

Prior to being employed at WSU, Lynde worked in Singapore where she co-chaired committees headed by Microsoft (Singapore) and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore to scale innovative digital practices at a national level. She is a multi-award winning educator with expertise in teacher education, language and literacy education, educational technology, and digital pedagogy. In 2019, her teaching excellence was acknowledged when she received the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning Award

Lynde’sresearch scholarship examines pedagogical issues pertinent to redefining education using emergent technologies. In 2019, Lynde was the recipient and Chief Investigator of the highly prestigious and competitive Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Research Grant. She has successfully led and completed the nationally funded project on learning and teaching language and literacy with augmented reality.

Her work has led to the publication of a book entitled “Between Worlds: Enhancing Students’ Multimodal Literacy Practices with Augmented Reality” in 2022. The book is currently used a national resource for primary school teachers’ professional development across states in Australia. Her ongoing research focuses on dialogic teaching in the online spaces, funded by the Collier Foundation in Australia. In 2021, Lynde’s research excellence was recognised when she won the People’s Choice Award in WSU’s 2021 Research Impact Competition.

Her international standing is evidenced by her highly-quality and widely-cited publications (Google citations – 1257 as of June 2022). She has published in high-ranking internationally refereed journals such as Computers and Education, Learning, Media and Technology, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET), Interactive Learning Environments, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Language and Education. Lynde also serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and she is the Associate Editor of Pedagogies: An International Journal. In 2019, Lynde won the International Conference on Computers in Education Best Reviewer Award (Technology Enhanced Language Learning). With her growing reputation in and beyond Australia, Lynde has been invited as the keynote speaker in various local and international conferences.


Nur Arifah Drajati is a lecturer at the English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia. She focuses on technology-enhanced language learning and multimodality in language teaching and learning. She received her doctorate at Universitas Negeri Jakarta in 2013. She is also a member and coordinator of the Association for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN). Prior to being employed at UNS, Arifah worked at Labschool Senior High School in Jakarta. She is a multi-award-winning educator with expertise in English education, multiliteracy, and technology-enhanced language learning. Her excellence was acknowledged as she became a resource person at many webinars and conferences in Indonesia, Asia, and Australia.

Arifah has published in highly reputable international journals such as the Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL), Reflective Practice, Sexuality & Culture, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, and Educational Media International. In 2010, Arifah was awarded the best teacher award for three consecutive years and was awarded 10 teachers as Citi Success Fund grantees by Citibank in 2015. With her growing reputation within and outside of Indonesia,

Arifah has been invited as a speaker at various national and international conferences. Arifah has also published several books, including English for Sport, Learning English with Design Storytelling: Theory and Practice, an introduction to academic writing with AI, Narrative Inquiry for Teacher Education: Learning from the Past Stories for Today and Tomorrow, Learning English with Design Storytelling:

Abstract Submission Deadline

20th March 2025

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Early Bird Deadline

09th April 2025