Conference Chair

Prof. Dr. Faizah Idrus

Dr. Faizah Idrus obtained her first Degree in TESOL from The University of Leeds, UK and then pursued her Masters in Professional Studies in Education at Leicester University, United Kingdom. She then did her Doctoral Degree at University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Her areas of interests include but not confined to sociolinguistics, English Language Teaching, Teacher Education, Technology in ELT and the classrooms, CRT and CQ. She has more than 30 years of teaching experience. She has published numerous papers in academic journals and has presented papers at conferences around the globe. Currently she is a reviewer to a few English Language and Education journals.

Associate Professor Lynde Tan

Lynde Tan is a Senior Lecturer in Primary Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy at the School of Education, Western Sydney University (WSU),Sydney. She is also a member of the Centre of Educational Research(CER) at WSU. She received her PhD in Applied Linguistics from LancasterUniversity, United Kingdom, in 2011. Prior to being employed at WSU,Lynde worked in Singapore where she co-chaired committees headed by Microsoft (Singapore) and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore to scale innovative digital practices at a national level. She is a multi-award winning educator with expertise in teacher education, language and literacy education, educational technology, and digital pedagogy. In 2019, her teaching excellence was acknowledged when she received the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning Award.

Lynde’sresearch scholarship examines pedagogical issues pertinent to redefining education using emergent technologies. In 2019, Lynde was the recipient and Chief Investigator of the highly prestigious and competitive Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Research Grant. She has successfully led and completed the nationally funded project on learning and teaching language and literacy with augmented reality. Her work has led to the publication of a book entitled “Between Worlds: Enhancing Students’ Multimodal Literacy Practices with Augmented Reality” in 2022. The book is currently used a national resource for primary school teachers’ professional development across states in Australia. Her ongoing research focuses on dialogic teaching in the online spaces, funded by the Collier Foundation in Australia. In 2021, Lynde’s research excellence was recognised when she won the People’s Choice Award in WSU’s 2021 Research Impact Competition. Her international standing is evidenced by her highly-quality and widely-cited publications (Google citations – 1257 as of June 2022).

She has published in high-ranking internationally refereed journals such as Computers and Education, Learning, Media and Technology, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET), Interactive Learning Environments, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Language and Education. Lynde also serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and she is the Associate Editor of Pedagogies: An International Journal. In 2019, Lynde won the International Conference on Computers in Education Best Reviewer Award (Technology Enhanced Language Learning). With her growing reputation in and beyond Australia, Lynde has been invited as the keynote speaker in various local and international conferences.

Abstract Submission Deadline

20th March 2025

Abstract Template

Downoad your template in here

Early Bird Deadline

09th April 2025